2019v1 01/24/2019 11:02am

Property Address

Select a street name.
Is your postal address different from your property address*
Mailing Address*

Contact Information

Are you a Homeowner in: Lake Country Estates or Lake Country Secret Harbour?*
Yes (You are applying for Full Membership), No (You are applying for Associate Membership)
Home Ownership*
Over 65 Years of Age*
If you are OVER 65 years of age choose "Yes"

Your Full Legal Name*

Enter your email address
ex. (817) 555-1212
Full Legal Spouse Name

Dues & Fees

Membership Dues*

Do you want an Amenities Key?*
(For security purposes, locks are changed yearly; 1st key included in your membership at no charge; Provides access to Waterfront Park Pavilion Area and Tennis/Basketball Courts)
Additional or Replacement Amenities Key*

You may apply for up to 4 launch permits.



Your Purchase Total Is


Boat Ramp - Launch Permits

All Launch Permits are valid only for the year in which they are purchased and do not carry over to the next year. All launch permits expire at Midnight of Dec 31st of each year.

All member vessels required by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) to be licensed shall provide vessel license information and the owner’s registration information must concur with the member’s name and address. And when such vessel is placed upon a trailer for towing such trailer license shall be provided by the member. Those members not providing the required information will not have their launch permit requests fulfilled. (To view the Launch Permit Eligibility Policy visit www.lcpoa.org)

1st Launch Permit

When entering license information, PLEASE USE UPPERCASE LETTERS ONLY.


Have you ever purchased a launch permit for this vessel before? (p1)*
If you have every purchased a launch permit for this vessel (regardless of which year it was issued to you in) and the decal still exists on the trailer used to tow the vessel then enter the decal number in the decal number field?
Enter the existing launch permit decal number located on your trailer regardless of which year it was issued to you.
Enter the current trailer license plate number located on your trailer which the vessel is loaded on for towing.
Number of vessels on Trailer (p1)*
Enter the number of vessels on your trailer
Enter the Texas Parks & Wildlife TX Number located on the bow of the vessel.
Enter the Texas Parks & Wildlife TX Number located on the bow of the vessel. (i.e. TX1234AA)
Does your name appear on the title? (p1)*
If you are not the legal owner of the vessel an additional fee may be charged.
Enter any additional information you wish to communicate.
Documentation Upload (p1)
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Upload any supporting documentation (pictures & PDF only).

2nd Launch Permit

When entering license information, PLEASE USE UPPERCASE LETTERS ONLY.


Have you ever purchased a launch permit for this vessel before? (p2)*
If you have ever purchased a launch permit for this vessel (regardless of which year it was issued to you in) and the decal still exists on the trailer used to tow the vessel then enter the decal number in the decal number field
Enter the current trailer license plate number located on your trailer which the vessel is loaded on for towing.
Number of vessels on Trailer (p2)*
Enter the number of vessels on your trailer
Enter the Texas Parks & Wildlife TX Number located on the bow of the vessel. (i.e. TX1234AA)
Enter the Texas Parks & Wildlife TX Number located on the bow of the vessel. (i.e. TX1234AA)
Does your name appear on the title? (p2)
If you are not the legal owner of the vessel an additional fee may be charged.
Enter any additional information you wish to communicate.
Documentation Upload (p2)
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Upload any supporting documentation (pictures & PDF only).

3rd Launch Permit

When entering license information, PLEASE USE UPPERCASE LETTERS ONLY.


Have you ever purchased a launch permit for this vessel before? (p3)*
If you have ever purchased a launch permit for this vessel (regardless of which year it was issued to you in) and the decal still exists on the trailer used to tow the vessel then enter the decal number in the decal number field
Enter the current trailer license plate number located on your trailer which the vessel is loaded on for towing.
Number of vessels on Trailer (p3)*
Enter the number of vessels on your trailer
Enter the Texas Parks & Wildlife TX Number located on the bow of the vessel. (i.e. TX1234AA)
Enter the Texas Parks & Wildlife TX Number located on the bow of the vessel. (i.e. TX1234AA)
Does your name appear on the title? (p3)*
If you are not the legal owner of the vessel an additional fee may be charged.
Enter any additional information you wish to communicate.
Documentation Upload (p3)
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.

4th Launch Permit

When entering license information, PLEASE USE UPPERCASE LETTERS ONLY.


Have you ever purchased a launch permit for this vessel before? (p4)*
If you have every purchased a launch permit for this vessel (regardless of which year it was issued to you in) and the decal still exists on the trailer used to tow the vessel then enter the decal number in the decal number field?
Enter the current trailer license plate number located on your trailer which the vessel is loaded on for towing.
Number of vessels on Trailer (p4)*
Enter the number of vessels on your trailer
Enter the Texas Parks & Wildlife TX Number located on the bow of the vessel. (i.e. TX1234AA)
Enter the Texas Parks & Wildlife TX Number located on the bow of the vessel. (i.e. TX1234AA)
Does your name appear on the title? (p4)
If you are not the legal owner of the vessel an additional fee may be charged.
Enter any additional information you wish to communicate.
Documentation Upload (p4)
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Upload any supporting documentation (pictures & PDF only).

Terms and Conditions for Access to Facilities

I have read and understood the Lake Country Property Owner's Association, Inc. Terms and Conditions for Access to Facilities.

Policies & Procedures subject to change without notice.

Terms and Conditions*


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